Interested in Playing Rugby?
Come and join us! The North County Gurkhas are currently running touch rugby sessions most Saturdays (10:30AM) at Cannon Park in Carlsbad. Preseason trainings begin October, 2024 for the 2024/2025 Men’s SoCal Division Two Season. Contact us for details.
Cannon Park
Carlsbad Blvd & Cannon Rd, Carlsbad, CA 92008
10:30AM - Noon
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CIPP / DUES information
North County Gurkha’s Dues/CIPP Schedule Requirements.
Club Dues:
$325 per Player, includes warm up shirt, T-shirt, and sweatshirt.
$100 for Social Dues.
Gurkha Gear sold seperately.
Dues can be paid in cash, by check, or by VENMO to @gurkharugby (please give the reference "dues").
All Players are required to pay full club dues by January 14th, late dues can result in ineligibility.
All Players are required to sign liability waiver.
All Players are required to CIPP register before the first regular season game in January.
All Players are required to have suitable cleats to play any game.
Get CIPP’d with USA Rugby
(Cost is $119 paid online to USA rugby)
Register at https://myaccount.rugbyxplorer.com.au
After logging in to an existing account or creating a new account, register to “North County Gurkhas” to be eligible for the 2024/2025 season. Registration cost is currently $119.00
Kyle, Club President
(760) 468-9150